Current developments
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Indeed, the finance ministry expects within approximately two weeks conclude a final agreement with credit insurers on the exact details of the guarantee scheme whereby the Dutch state will act as reinsurer for outstanding supplier credits. This listens closely, as the scheme will soon need to be used as effectively as possible.
The European Commission must also look at the Dutch scheme, including to assess the existence of authorised State aid. On a positive note, the German guarantee scheme, which seems to have many similarities with the Dutch one, was approved by the European Commission last week.
Stay informed?
We will, of course, keep you updated via our dedicated Corona Support page and the Xolv LinkedIn page Updated on progress on the state guarantee. Curious about more background on the guarantee scheme negotiations? Then be sure to read this article on the website of the Insurers' Association, which also features general director Richard Weurding of the Insurers' Association.
Read also: Xolv's views on the (often underestimated) role of SMEs within these and other coronagraphs.