Germany Day: the day about doing business in Germany. Will you be there?

Published on 21/09/2016

On Thursday 29 September next, the German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Euler Hermes organises the Germany Day. An information meeting for Dutch entrepreneurs, to orientate themselves on the possibilities of doing business in Germany. But also for those who want to expand their existing activities with their eastern neighbours.

The first edition (with over 800 visitors) was a great success! This year, too, the multi-faceted programme features inspiring speakers and info sessions, and there is plenty of opportunity for networking.


The first edition (with over 800 visitors) was a great success! This year's programme is once again multifaceted: an exhibition floor with around 45 stands, a plenary programme with inspiring speakers, 12 workshops and 15 information sessions.


The plenary programme consists of panel discussions, presentations and a closing quiz. The day starts at 09.30 with an expert view on doing business in Germany. At 12.15 pm, a study specially conducted for the day, 'Trading with Germany and neighbours: top 10 tips for boosting Dutch exports', will be presented, followed by an afternoon panel with entrepreneurs who are successful in the German market. At the end of the day, there will be a battle for the title of Germany expert.

Workshops (please note: register in advance!)

Some of the wide range of topics on offer: E-health in Germany, relevant political developments, opportunities in infrastructure and the most important clauses in your supply contracts. The 12 sessions last 45 minutes each. In four rounds, three workshops will take place in parallel each time.

Info sessions

These are short informative presentations by Germany experts, taking place on stages on the exhibition floor during Germany Day. There is no need to register for these. The info sessions are divided into three themes: culture & communication, marketing & sales and tax & legal. Concrete topics include 'cultural differences in construction', 'Sales in Germany - how not to do it', and 'invoicing and debt collection in Germany'.

For the full programme, see 

Order your tickets via Xolv

The Germany Day will take place on 29 September next at De Fabrique in Utrecht. Participation is in cost-free. If you would like to order tickets, please contact us.

Want to know more? Get in touch.