This document is a summary of the remuneration policy within Xolv and sets out the policies, roles and responsibilities around remuneration at Xolv.
Xolv's remuneration policy applies to all employees, including freelancers and temporary workers.
All employees have job descriptions within which tasks, responsibilities, powers and knowledge requirements are defined. Based on the job descriptions, an appropriate remuneration level has been set.
Remuneration of employees
Employee remuneration can be divided into fixed and variable remuneration. In this, various forms of remuneration are possible, which always fall under one of these types of remuneration. This classification is important because the ratio between fixed and variable remuneration is subject to restrictions. Xolv conforms to the statutory provision.
Fixed remuneration
The starting point of the fixed remuneration is mainly a reflection of relevant work experience and (organisational) responsibility held by the employee concerned.
At least once a year, the manager evaluates how an employee has performed in relation to agreements made earlier. This assessment forms the starting point for granting a possible increase.
Variable remuneration
Employees may be eligible for a bonus. The bonus will be awarded in case of particularly good individual performance, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in a way that is objectively observable and determined.
The basic principle is that it is clear to employees, on what the variable remuneration is based. Variable remuneration does not encourage unacceptable risk-taking.
Core values and long-term customer interests are always paramount.
Xolv guarantees that the variable pay for an individual employee will never exceed 100% of the fixed pay and the total sum of variable pay for all employees will never exceed 20% of the total sum of fixed pay for all employees.